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Helen Spillan, Director
3003 Silverside Road
Wilmington, DE 19810
(302) 478-3876
Upcoming Events
10/4 Scholastic Book orders due
10/11 Trunk or Treat - 6 - 7:30 in parking lot (FLYER)
10/14 Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
10/23 Ramsey's Farm - all 4 year olds
10/23 Fall Festival on playground - all 3 year olds
10/30 Halloween Parade - 9:15
11/1 Teacher Inservice - NO SCHOOL
11/4 - 12/2 Raise Craze Fundraiser
11/7 - 15 Scholastic Book Fair
11/13,14 School Photos with John Gallen
11/25,26 Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
11/27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
October's book pick:
Knight Owl and Early Bird
by Christopher Denise
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